Hi there 👋
My name is Florian Reitz.
I love to
Let me show you...
That's me!


Skills & Socials

class BasicInfos {
String name ;
String email ;
BasicInfos() {
this. name "Florian Reitz";
this. email "flo@reitz.dev";
public Map<String,String>  getEducation {
Map<String,String>  education new HashMap<>;
education .put( "2016-2020" ,  "Bachelor of Science - Informatik - Digitale Medien und Spiele, FH Trier, Germany" );
education .put( "2019-2019" ,  "Semester Abroad - IT Sligo, Ireland" );
education .put( "2020-2023" ,  "Master of Science - Internationale Medieninformatik, HTW Berlin, Germany" );
education .put( "2022-2022" ,  "Semester Abroad - Universidad de La Laguna, Spain" );
return education ;
public Map<String,String>  getWorkExperience {
Map<String,String>  workExp new HashMap<>;
workExp .put( "2019-2020" ,  "Student Worker - Fullstack Developer - University of Trier" );
workExp .put( "2020-2021" ,  "Student Worker - System Administrator - office company" );
workExp .put( "2022" ,  "Student Worker - Support Technician, IBS Bildung" );
return workExp ;
public String[]  getSkills {
return String[]  {  "Kubernetes" , "Java" , "JavaScript" , "Node.JS" , "MySQL" , "PHP" , "Docker" , "Svelte(Kit)" };